
Chess resolution for 2023

Hide all ratings on lichess

In December 2022, I enabled a lichess feature that hides all the ratings from me. I have found this feature so cool that my resolution for 2023 is to keep it going till the end of the year. If I decide to revert my decision and check my rating some day, it wil be fun.
The other resolution is to make more blog posts. I don't know if anyone will find my writing useful or interesting but I will make a few posts for the sake of posting. I guess I can make time for at least one post a month.
In 2022, I was able to enjoy Argentina's World Cup win, something I've waited for since 1990. I wad able to read 25 books, one more than my target. I also ran 300 km every month and crossed my yearly target of 3650 by 200 km. This year I plan to read 26 books and run 4000 km while maintaining 300 km every month.
I hope I can get better at chess. I hope some of my books are about chess. Even though I don't listen to anything while running, maybe I can start listening to some chess podcasts on the run.