
How to Avoid Blunders in chess

Train your memory and attention span.

Chess Blunders: Tips to Stop Missing Pieces


Missing pieces, also known as "blunders," is a frustrating problem that plagues chess players of all levels. Don't despair! Here are some practical tips to help you stop missing pieces in your chess games:

1. Develop Concentration:

Minimize distractions during games.

Take short breaks to refresh your mind.

Ensure you get adequate sleep.

Train your memory and attention span.

2. Improve Calculation:

Solve chess puzzles and combinations.

Analyze your own games.

Study chess theory.

Play against stronger opponents.

3. Utilize Control Techniques:

Always check all possible opponent responses before moving.

Pay special attention to checks, captures, and threats.

Verbalize your moves and plans.

Use the Bluemenfeld Rule: write down your intended move on a scoresheet after each move.

4. Develop Tactical Vision:

Study tactical motifs.

Solve tactical puzzles.

Play blitz chess.

Analyze grandmaster games.

5. Embrace Mistakes:

Mistakes are part of the learning process.

Analyze your mistakes to avoid repeating them.

Set realistic goals.


Overcoming any problem requires time and effort.

Be patient and persistent.

Don't give up!

Additional Tips:

Work with a chess coach.

Join a chess club.

Read chess books and articles.

Watch instructional videos.

By practicing these tips, you can significantly reduce the number of blunders in your chess games.

Good luck!