
In what order should you learn endgames, openings, tactics or chess strategy?

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Tactics, basic endgames, strategy-and-openings (learning an opening *means* learning about the typical strategies and plans involved, and beyond a few basics about weak pawns, weak squares, space, etc., there is no general strategy that applies beyond more than one or two openings). At some point you should also get good at more complex endings, but to do that effectively you need to have already developed strong calculation and visualisation abilities.
Mix of endgames and tactics first.
Just play though, the first time you 'll get mated by a rook 'cause you casteled and leaved your king no escape, well THAT you 'll remember.

Opening are about handling space and time, no point if you can't convert/drop a rook.
Thus, if you start with opening, you opponent will play out of book super soon, and you will not have the calculations/... to take a lead on it
I would learn openings in the start of a game, endgames at the end, and strategy and tactics throughout the game.
Openings are the most important. They occur in 100% of games and knowledge can make the difference between winning and losing. In comparision, endgames only crop up 50% of the time and most of the time you are playing for half points, not full ones.
So in my opinion, it is a good idea to look at openings first.
Btw., I am presuming that a player already has a basic understanding of all aspects of the game.
@FredtheCrusher said in #5:
> Openings are the most important. They occur in 100% of games

And I heard white moves first in 100% of games.
TheKingClash is about to start Teaching / Training someone possibly which is great indeed to give back . Yes you may get paid but the bottom line is you really need to love chess to teach . I start with two Kings & I take Black with my King on e8 & White has his King on e2 ... I tell the person I'm Training that the King can move one square & that it cannot be captured then to move first & that HE/SHE CANNOT get his King to the other side but to TRY TO DO SO as I will STOP White from doing so . After I do stop them I proceed to take White & get the King to the other side . I explain about THE MIRROR and this is the first test UNTIL THEY UNDERSTAND THE FULL POSITION . This being their first interaction with understanding a position FULLY . Then I teach them how each piece moves ... How to set-up the original position etc. It takes time to Learn but Don't underestimate the fact the trainee' WILL LEARN . Study of Complete Games is GREAT Starting with the traps they need to avoid on f2 & f7 as a great second Lesson .
Endgame, Tactics, opening, Strategy. No need for strategy if your a good player already for now. It would be better to learn endgames and tactics first for they will show up the most. Openings don't matter as long as you can play well i the beginning of the game
I love the useless thumbs down from people who are too scared to comment on here.

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