
I made a mistake and opponent refused take back request . What are you thoughts on takebacks?

@groovynwhippy You can turn off TBs.. I’m sure it’s in game settings.. I have it turned off.. the only time I’d have them on is if I was playing a ‘training’ game with someone I knew where we may be exploring some openings or other ideas.

During any other game it means there’s no pressure to accept a TB and nobody can give you any crap if you refuse.
Jus my opinion:
Takebacks: ugh!
Player who whines about me not allowing takeback: triple ugh!

But my opponents are rated 1800-2200. At this level, there's no excuse for misclicks. It happens. Just move on. Learn the hard way.

I see your game was classical. Maybe I'd allow a takeback if the game was interesting. But I'd never ask for one.
Rickrolls are a part of Lichess Forums when @Shadow1414’s account exists.

Mouse-slips are a part of Chess when played online.

Flagging is a part of Chess when played with clocks.
Asking for takebacks is poor sportsmanship. You try to Win next game.
In chess, as in war, as in real life, there are no takebacks. You make the best decision you can in the time allotted, and learn to live with it. Have you ever played wishful thinking chess? I think we all did in the beginning. I set a trap and hope the opponent falls for it. But wait! He doesnt or cant see it, yet he makes a move that
improves his position by 30-50 centipawns. Next
trap, same game, same result and now the positional squeeze of opponent gives him a +1.35 to +2.50 technical win. "Superior strategic positions
lead to tactical possibilities" And one critical pawn drops and I defend to the bitter end, to no avail. When it comes to playing chess I never ever will give a takeback nor will ever ask for one. Why?
Because takebacks teach that its alright to make mistakes and blunders, just ask for a takeback. The much better option is to resign
immediately and analyze the game. Go over your thought process and identify the thinking
error. "Those who refuse to learn from the past
are condemned to repeat it!" I know I did! It ONLY took a few DECADES to concede to the fact that, in most positions, a bishop is superior to a knight. But what would I know? Im just 2000+ rated on Lichess and 63 years old, having played the "Game Of Kings" for 58 years.
Stop playing patzer chess!! NEVER GIVE, OR ASK FOR TAKEBACKS!!
Would a military commander give an opposing army a takeback? Of course not! Hey! Nice try there Skippy, but you failed. We have captured
you and now have you on your knees begging for your life. OK, whiner! Here's your AK-47 and some rations, some body armor, bullets, yeah,
lots of bullets to shoot back at us. We recycle the spent shell casings, I will have you know! Aw, what the hell! Our troops are tough, we will throw in a NLAW, a stinger, too! Take your best shot AGAIN we can handle it! Ouch! WHAT!! You
wont give me a takeback now that the situation is reversed!! (Place begging, pleading, whimpering and numerous takeback requests here) IF YOU GIVE OR TAKE TAKEBACKS YOURE
A SUCKER!! Sux2bu
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my thoughts are there's no wrong way to handle a takeback request. accept it, deny it, whatever their choice was for whatever reason they had was the right choice and the right reason for them.

if you don't like their choice, then don't give them the opportunity to make a choice, ie, don't ask for a takeback.

misclicking is part of online chess. get better at clicking, or get better at playing on after a misclick. If you're probably going to lose anyway, get creative, make unexpected and attacking moves, put them under pressure

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