
"The Queens Who Made Chess Great Again"


For the chess world, I wish these Botox-Sisters would disappear as quickly as they appeared.
And also the other idiots on Twitch who desecrated the game of chess with their dubious nonsense.
@Tenakel said in #2:
> @OzzieTezz
> For the chess world, I wish these Botox-Sisters would disappear as quickly as they appeared.
> And also the other idiots on Twitch who desecrated the game of chess with their dubious nonsense.

I can't speak for what it was like where you are in Europe, but here in Australia (and likely in other non-European Western Countries) when I was growing up Chess was the "nerdy" game, it was something people played but generally it was a side activity compared to other sports.

The game was obviously getting traction online before Covid hit, but Covid combined with the influx of streamers has definitely brought more eyes on the game, I mean just last month there was a 10 day (I think) 3 hour a day tournament broadcast on a mainstream sports channel, you wouldn't have even heard of something like that happening 5 years ago. And chess sites are reporting massive growth in users, again, a good thing.

I'm not saying you have to watch or even like these types of streamers, but you have to give kudos to them for taking what was until recently was the "nerdy" side sport in many countries, and for lack of better words making it fun and entertaining to the general populous and getting more people wanting to play.
This topic and the video make me so angry, that I will rather write nothing. I think everyone on here knows how twitch works, without me needing to explain it. I will once listen to TeenageDimwit's advice to not say anything when I am angry. I'll just say that it makes me angry.
I was young when Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky played at Reykjavik. After that, we had televised chess tournaments. I guess we need controversy, or sex, now and again to stop people calling the game nerdy or boring.

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