
Requirements for LM title

@PeynirSever2134 said in #9:
> If the LM title is not given out now, why is it still in the FAQ?
Because people ask about it frequently, so it is a frequently asked question. Also fwiw the FAQ literally answers the question " Can I get the Lichess Master (LM) title?" with "no". It gives the correct answer. Also when you quoted the FAQ you left out the "who are good citizens of lichess" part. That tells you that it cannot be about ratings only.
I don't think there has been a formal public decision to no longer award the LM title. It's just the fact that they haven't recently. But that doesn't mean they won't.
Hello all ! The LM title is an honorary title and it not depend on a performance or a ranking. the LM title is no longer given because there are enough LMs! the LM cannot play in the TA (titled Arena), this title was awarded to players who have achieved exemplary and exceptional things on the Lichess chessboard and in the life of the website. at one time, some strong variant players received it. I think the reason why this title is (for now) not awarded is that the moderation team is bigger, in more diverse fields, and this title should not consist of a goal for any strong player. besides, since this title is honorary, it offers NO advantage (elite tournament, titled Arena) on Lichess, so why continue to give it? it was mainly a way of thanking strong players in a long time ago when lichess was a "small"/medium chess site (sorry to say it but it was probably true) and strong players were few in number that time. and this "tradition" of honorary title remained even until recently. greeting!
@PeynirSever2134 said in #5:
> At least they should give us the reason

If I give my girlfriend flowers, does that mean I also need to inform all other women the criteria for getting flowers? Sometimes a gift is just a gift.
It's an arbitrary title, but if I had a vote the person who should be getting it is (@)german11 , but that's just my personal opinion.
The title is not given to strong chess players but to the people who are recognised as good citizens of lichess.

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