
School tournament

I'm trying to set up a tournament between local schools. I'm new at this so hang with me.
We have a bout 6 high schools that use to participate tournaments we set up, face to face. Covid has put a damper on that.
So what we use to do is have the top 5 players in each school play the top 5 in all the other schools.
we would like to do that on lichess, or something like it.
What is the process for creating a tournament, having only certain players join. We don't want other schools or from other areas joining, we just want to restrict it to our schools.
is this possible and if so how?
@HeadlessHessian said in #1:
> I'm trying to set up a tournament between local schools. I'm new at this so hang with me.
> We have a bout 6 high schools that use to participate tournaments we set up, face to face. Covid has put a damper on that.
> So what we use to do is have the top 5 players in each school play the top 5 in all the other schools.
> we would like to do that on lichess, or something like it.
> What is the process for creating a tournament, having only certain players join. We don't want other schools or from other areas joining, we just want to restrict it to our schools.
> is this possible and if so how?
> thanks

@HeadlessHessian Please Don't advertise
@aadityabhata He's not advertising. Advertising would be posting the link of their team in the post. However, (@) headlesshessian just created a situation and asked a question. His question is perfectly fine.
@HeadlessHessian you can probably create a team battle and add all of the schools in the battle. Then only people that are in the schools can join. To make it that random outsiders don't join the teams, you can make people have to request to join the team. In the request, they can say who they are and join. Then, (like i said before but just repeating it) you create a team battle and add all the teams. Hope this helped you despite the abundant information
make the tournament private aad an entry code for the tournament
Make a team and ask the 5 persons that u want to join ur tournament join the team and create a team tournament

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