
Auto blocking non-takebackers and others

This is supposed to be chess. takebacks just ain't chess. Resign button is sufficient remedy for ooops moves of all sorts
Some people prefer to play with takebacks, it is an option this site provides. Outright blocking those who dont allow them seems a bit odd, and you'll quickly exhaust your blocklist that way.
Well, it is still an opinion, at least #1 should be available. If there is an option to do not allow takeback, there should be option to do a contrary.
Takebacks are for casual games, rated games are like reality and you live within the blunders you make.
Sometimes you just fail to move how you wanted because of mouse or something. For this reason, I normally allow one takeback per game. Not in bullet games though.
Matching by "same preferences" first might be interesting. If no matches, match with fewer common preferences, until they are matched. Behaving similar to a rating range match.

A take back is wrong, because the move done and the request for a takeback is considered a distraction.

When words come out of the mouth, you cannot take them back. They got said. Chess moves are like words said.
The moves speak for them selves.
@Toscani said in #17:
> Matching by "same preferences" first might be interesting. If no matches, match with fewer common preferences, until they are matched. Behaving similar to a rating range match.

It looks like you're volunteering to write, test, and support some new pairings code. :-D But seriously, anything that changes the pairings code will made it harder for players to find games. Yes, I've suggested, "Maybe I should be able to block flags when seeking an opponent" but that's for humanitarian reasons...

@Toscani said in #17:
> A take back is wrong, because the move done and the request for a takeback is considered a distraction.

Indeed, although Move Confirmation is available under game play preferences for players who have problems with moving the pices.
@mglcp said in #3:
> It just depends on opinion and preferences. I think, if you prefer not to follow my opinion you can just play with opponents having same preferences as you have.

Hi @mglcp ,

If I may add a constructive (personal) opinion, you should not block people that won't allow take backs. On the contrary, you should do the best yourself to not use take backs. My old coach never allowed take backs for one reason: it teaches you soooo much.

In the beginning, it is frustrating, but soon you realize the maximum that chess is about: your mistakes are your responsibility. This is just empty words, if you allow take backs. It is the kind of experience that you will only understand when you try. Like zen Buddhism, you cant put that experience in words and hope someone will understand. Go for it: go to your settings and block take backs yourself.

Best of lucky!
I wanna auto-block people who even think about takebacks! Is that feasible?

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