
** rated games don't work

On this site I am still a provisional rated player corr (and not worried about it) but it would be nice under all but tournament conditions to be able to choose not to play provisional player rated.
I believe rating on this site wildly different then system the US system ever country probably has one or more rating systems.
I play chess lets do away with rated games and (cheating) after all cheating only exist because of points and the look at my number system.
PS On all chess web sites and OTB I play 90-95% of games above my rating many by 500 points and sometimes above that.
WELL so what if the rating isn't perfect ...

It was nice, even if some people were not so honest about it ..


Why don't they let you just select to NOT play provisional players? That would be handy for standard correspondence games.

Why not just not accept provisional players or select a rating range you want?
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