
Auto blocking non-takebackers and others

@mglcp said in #30:
> I would like to continue with discussion only with developers/platform managers on whether it is possible or not, others, please do ot respond in this thread. I am not interested in flamewar. I just consider it to be a good option.
> Thanks.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but as important as you think your suggestion is it's not as important to the developers, I'd strongly suggest you read the Lichess page below on Feature Requests and if you feel the need detail it out and put it in as a feature request on GitHub where it can be looked at and either implemented or buried by the developers.
@mglcp said in #1:
> Hello,
> I would like to:
> 1. not beeing offered/paired with opponents with blocked takebacks. I either blacklist those players immediately after game ends and in friendly game often resign immediately and block.

No one is obliged to let you fix your blunders or mouse slips, chess is a competition. What the ... makes you think you have some divine right to expect mercy on demand from your opponents in this way? You need to man up and accept responsibility for your errors, maybe even learn from them. Losing games, rating and dignity is a great way to be do better next time. You seem to think that this unwillingness to accept takebacks when you screw up is somehow a fault of your opponent that requires punishing by being blocked by you, actually, that is probably a bonus for them because then they won't have to deal with you and your crybaby entitled attitude. Takebacks, if they happen, should only ever be in casual games and/or at the discretion of your opponent, but they are never an entitlement. It is your attitute that needs fixing not your opponents takeback settings or the pairing system.
@mglcp said in #30:
> I would like to continue with discussion only with developers/platform managers on whether it is possible or not, others, please do ot respond in this thread. I am not interested in flamewar. I just consider it to be a good option.
> Thanks.

Please read the comments I have already written if you would like to have a discussion, starting with

Also, #31 seems spot-on, although I can't guarantee Lichess would reject the feature request, given what I've already commented I see no need for such a feature.
@QueenRosieMary said in #32:
> No one is obliged to let you fix your blunders or mouse slips, chess is a competition. What the ... makes you think you have some divine right to expect mercy on demand from your opponents in this way? You need to man up and accept responsibility for your errors, maybe even learn from them. Losing games, rating and dignity is a great way to be do better next time. You seem to think that this unwillingness to accept takebacks when you screw up is somehow a fault of your opponent that requires punishing by being blocked by you, actually, that is probably a bonus for them because then they won't have to deal with you and your crybaby entitled attitude. Takebacks, if they happen, should only ever be in casual games and/or at the discretion of your opponent, but they are never an entitlement. It is your attitute that needs fixing not your opponents takeback settings or the pairing system.

Hey, you claim it is bonus for you to play with me. So why are you against? I think you first should ask for that feature.
@mglcp said in #1:
> Hello,
> I would like to:
> 1. not beeing offered/paired with opponents with blocked takebacks. I either blacklist those players immediately after game ends and in friendly game often resign immediately and block.
Why? Takebacks aren't a part of chess.
> 2. not beeing offered/paired with opponents with not stabilized score (having question mark after it).

Tell me. In your takeback world, how would these players get rid of the question mark?
> 3. auto blacklist opponents who declines or ignores takeback requested before their move. I either test opponents in the second move on willingness to takeback in friendly game and if they do not accept I resign and block. I just like to play with opponents who accept takebacks requested prior to their move.

Do you think it's polite to resign in the second move for such a minor thing like takebacks? I don't. Why do you feel offended? You don't know the people you play. So don't expect them to accept takebacks from a complete stranger. From a friend? Maybe.
Also, you'll get banned for resigning in the second move (which is against the ToS I guess)
C'mon, just enjoy chess.
Guys, the OP asked for an unfeasible feature. I was one of the people to go against it.

Now I praise him for the tenacity to deal with such huge backlash without losing his temper, being kind, replying with logic, not taking things personally.

From now on, I see only bullying against the idea and the person.

It is time to close the topic, not because the idea is bad, but to also protect OP and avoid a bad environment in the lichess forums. This topic has done its job. Thanks!

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