
It makes no sense but the situation I hate most is...

... when I'm massively ahead in material and sometimes time too. As in if I have extra queen rook or a couple of bishops/knights and extra few minutes... something happens with my head, I go full retard and quite often lose the game (that otherwise I wouldn't if I was equal in material).

I don't feel any kind of pressure. I lose tons of games and I win tons. I'm not anxious, I don't care.

I just suddenly don't know what to do with all my pieces like I never played chess before. So I start giving them away, making profoundly stupid moves and then eventually lose, sometimes real quick, getting checkmated like a noob etc.

Makes no sense whatsoever.
i know that moment very well myself. normal play is around priorities like getting ahead in development, king safety, mobility, material etc., but sometimes ppl dont resign at a normal point and i just dont know what to do in a obvious +- position.

i observed that for me the problem is the complexity that is still in the position, like some advanced pawn or battery of the opponent still lingering and im not sure if i should care about besides having achieved my plans. my solution for now is that i now try to give back material in a way that leaves me with an easy winning position but reduces complexity so i understand whats important again. if possible i seek forced lines / trades that keep my advantage.

also giving up a spare rook to enter a winning k+p ending is a good training ground for my so often neglected endgame "skills"^^
If you're ahead in material and don't know what to do, just think of a way of exchanging the remaining material of your opponent. When they only have a rook and you have a few pieces left, you should be able to mate them easily. If not just learn the basic mates against a sole king.
I mean, "when they only have king and you have a few pieces left"...
simplify by trading queens if your far a head. When the queens come off the board most of the tactics are gone and positions are easier to play. Play standard games to give yourself time to think about where your opponent can move. My problem used to be when i got the lead i would start blitzing okay moves the were marked as at least inaccuracies. i also didn't know where to form an attack based on both the pawn structures. I feel like under 1700 players just mostly wait for their opponents blunders to the cash in. good luck and remember it's not over till it's over.

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