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23 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation)#1

It's been a long time since I had this in mind and also been a long time since I've been silent and confused for all the questions asked about FEN. So I decided the next time I encounter a question ab…

Crazyhouse World Championship - Registration for Crazyhouse World Championship 2021 now open!#248

I am in

General Chess Discussion - the check loop#5

@thomassowell123 #3 Thank you very much! I'm glad it was fun.

General Chess Discussion - the check loop#4

@annoygenius #2 In that position, I think only white is giving the continuous checks but black is just moving the king whereas in the CHECK LOOP, white and black are both giving consecutive checks.

General Chess Discussion - the check loop#1 This position created by me displays a fanciful way of 29 consecutive checks made in 15moves. Although the position is very unnatural to occur, it is absolutely lega…

Game analysis - Difficult Two Knights vs Pawn Puzzle#11

Alexey Troitsky is considered to be the greatest composers of endgame studies. He has introduced a way to checkmate with two knights in the endgame. It is known as the TROITSKY’S LINE. Winning with tw…

Game analysis - Which Ultrabullet game has the most moves?#8

Well that game looks like it was totally fixed by both players just to make a lichess record of the most number of moves played in an ultrabullet game. They would have continued for more moves but lic…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to connect lichess with twitch#2

Hey @ChessMathNerd, you've finished the hard part of the process setting up your OBS and your twitch account. In order to connect your lichess with twitch you got to be an official lichess streamer by…

General Chess Discussion - LM life or lichess master#7 @Ameershahul29

Lichess Feedback - Progressive Chess!#1

As of now there are 8 variants in Lichess. Progressive Chess is a unique variant which I had been playing with my chess school friends back when I was a kid learning chess. This is how it worked: Whit…