
Search "user:allmight87"

43 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Posibilidad de cerrar equipo una vez creado#2

Buenas, no estoy muy seguro, pero si abandonas el grupo al ser el que lo ha creado puede ser que se borre, al igual que cuando el anfitrión de una simultanea se sale de la sala. Espero que te sirva de…

General Chess Discussion - Many players can't win in a won position#7

I´m a player who loves endgames, In my opinion the first you should study is endgames. If you want to study endgames I could help you.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen-Karjakin Game 4#14

Es cierto que todos habíamos predicho que MC iba a aplastar a Karjakin y viendo estas 4 partidas lo sigo afirmando, MC está dominando completamente en todas las partidas, Karjakin acabara cediendo den…

Game analysis - Pawn sacrifice - My own game.#3

In my opinion It was a bad move, If he had played Nf3+ you would lost all the advantage because you lose the middle control and pawn structure will be weak. You should play Na4, and change your Knight…

Game analysis - Attacking the queen side.#5

5. e3 h6 6. Ne2 Nf6 7. d4

Game analysis - Attacking the queen side.#3

I think the same than Folichon, in some openings black pawns structure it´s solid and the way to punish those position, it´s trying to break the middle.

General Chess Discussion - Creating a chess club at school#8

thanks for the translation puzzletraining :D

General Chess Discussion - Creating a chess club at school#5

Como no se decirlo correctamente en ingles te lo diré en español. Yo soy monitor de ajedrez en diferentes escuelas, y te recomiendo que no lo enfoques como "dar clases" igual que si se tratara de una …

Game analysis - Top 5 Plays of the Month?#14

yep, I had less than 10 seconds

Game analysis - Free Game Analysis: Raise That Rating Chess Series! #2 It´s a game that I played against a NM, the opening was very interesting, Would you like to analyse it?
