
Search "user:Enlightenmania2022"

11 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why can't I play on the same level as my puzzle rating?#1

Hi there! 1 - Many people recommend solving puzzles, and say it helps improving .... 2 - From what I noticed, usually players who solve puzzles have the puzzle rating very close to the rapid or classi…

General Chess Discussion - Question about statistics (no, not about the interesting topic)#7

@corvusmellori said in #6: > Lichess would assign both the same number, which doesn't seem very helpful in evaluating the players. Useful information, thank you for responding!

General Chess Discussion - Question about statistics (no, not about the interesting topic)#1

Hi all! Let's say we have: - Player A and player B - The same rapid format, thousands of games each - Player B has 20+ more average centipawn loss (which should mean A is better) - Player A has about …

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#37

@anonymous_training1 said in #36: > You are capable of doing it. Find the answer. I experienced the same situation in 1300 when I was 34 years old. In my case, I fixed my openings. I am currently 40 y…

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#34

@vihaan_the_Gder said in #32: > By losing 1 pawn, do you mean trading or losing a pawn for nothing? I mean losing a pawn for nothing, and not seeing simple moves that will end in a pawn lose This is r…

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#33

@kindaspongey said in #30: > but it seems that progress is often slow with that approach. Yeah, I have a lot of these where I blunder like that like a total .... lol The reason I blunder is that I get…

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#29

@pointlesswindows said in #27: > It looks like you prefer longer time controls. That's true I have NEVER played and time-controlled chess in my life before last year here on Lichess, so I guess my bra…

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#28

@SandeepTendulkar said in #26: > play Arena tournaments that are specially for those whose rating is below 1500. Actually this might be a good idea! I shall try this soon Thank you!

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#12

Thank you everyone for your responses and advices, I really appreciate it.

General Chess Discussion - Can't get above 1400 in rapid, is it helpless?#11

@MrPushwood said in #10: > The record shows that you have been above 1400 several times already. (Oh yeah, and Please STOP nagging people on your Profile page!) I think I just got lucky those several …
