
Search "user:LadyNorth"

36 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Move times#8

#7 This game also showed a computer analysis of 0 inaccuracies, 0 mistakes, 0 blunders, low centipawn loss for several of his games, analysis says he is 99.8 % better the any other player on this site…

General Chess Discussion - Move times#6

#5 yes 0 seconds would mean they premoved, but the specific game I'm looking at has much more then 0 seconds for each move time. I'm just trying to find out if it's humanly possible to do that, or wou…

General Chess Discussion - Move times#4

#2 Hum not what I meant, I am trying to find out if it's even possible for a player to time each move perfectly to the second.

General Chess Discussion - Move times#1

What does it mean when someone has a flat-line for move times?

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis broken?#6

No I didn't have another analysis running and pretty sure I didn't reach the limit when it happen, but will wait till tomorrow to see if it works again. Thanks/Merci!

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters in classic games#16

#14 not sure what you mean, when you say points do you mean rating? And when you say classic games do you mean classical? I know for me I've always had a higher classical rating then my blitz rating, …

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters in classic games#13

#12 Well I would like think that the anti-cheat system or whatever the mods use to confirm a cheater would be a little more complex then banning a player based on their rating only, at least I would h…

Lichess Feedback - Computer analysis broken?#1

I just played a game and I've clicking on the computer analysis button now at least 20 times and it's still not working, this has happen a few times now but usually it will analyze the game after at l…

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters in classic games#9

#8 I would disagree but that's just me, knowing that some people might get away with cheating for whatever reason would be a BIG turn off and I for one would not consider donating or playing on a site…

General Chess Discussion - Cheaters in classic games#7

In my own experience most of the people I have suspected of cheating all have been in playing either classical or blitz and have been banned because of my reports,. But recently played against someone…
