
Search "user:Lord-Universe31"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - what is your high score for puzzle streak#13


General Chess Discussion - Can anyone solve this?#23

General Chess Discussion - Seems to me it would be more interesting games if you could castle 2 different ways on the Queenside#3

Why do you want to change the rules of chess? The rules are like they are for a reason.

General Chess Discussion - A crazy checkmating attack in the sicilian - Inspired by IM Eric Rosen#6

Whites attack is speculative? Is this not the main idea of the grand prix attack? To attack blacks king? Of course it is not winning by any means, but it is definitely dangerous. Black needs to be car…

General Chess Discussion - How to use time properly during long (classical) games#12

In my career i observed that I played faster the stronger i got, because often you can do standard moves without getting into much trouble. I can remember plenty of games me or my opponent lost, becau…

General Chess Discussion - How to use time properly during long (classical) games#6

are you guys trolling? you say the faster you play the more mistakes you make, and then you suggest to spent all your time by move 30 so you have to blitz out the moves. How makes this sense? And say…

General Chess Discussion - How to use time properly during long (classical) games#2

In my games, I just try to find a plan for me and for my opponent and then try to find moves that supports my plan and crosses the opponents plan and try to put pieces on natural squares. Then i check…

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