
Search "user:NightFury"

25 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Sudden resignations#5

No, i am playing without time and at least one of them doesnt want to quit on their onw in at least 2 games, the others quit after few moves which is unusual, i know its maybe their problem but its th…

Lichess Feedback - Sudden resignations#1

I have a problem which happend to me several times, my opponents are resigning after several moves in correspondence chess without knowing it.

General Chess Discussion - Edward or Emanuel Lasker free pdf with abgebraic notation#9

James - I want to start with Lasker because first he is like in top 3 chess players of all time, secondly because i want to know his style of play and get most from it, i want to see his ideas about s…

General Chess Discussion - Edward or Emanuel Lasker free pdf with abgebraic notation#6

thanks, i am now thinking if i really needs to go through the examples in the books... because i think it will be enough if i just read the book because i think it will improve my game even without ex…

General Chess Discussion - Edward or Emanuel Lasker free pdf with abgebraic notation#1

Hi does anybody know some source where i can get Common sense in chess or any other books from these two online for free with algebraic notation? because i found only ones with descriptive notation an…

General Chess Discussion - untold rules#20

thanks you MeWantCookie! i create this topic to find some route for progress because i consider myself (when on the mood and when concentrating) on the level like 1600 and i feel stuck on this level a…

General Chess Discussion - untold rules#3

thank you :D this is exactly what i wanted, i mean i know some of them but i wasnt aware of 6 for example and its cool (at least for me) to know these rules

General Chess Discussion - untold rules#1

hi, is there any list of as i call them untold rules in chess? like dont bring queen too early and so on?

Lichess Feedback - mobile app AI bug#5

yes, its occuring after casteling, now i little play with it and 3 out of 3 it happend

Lichess Feedback - mobile app AI bug#1

so i found a bug while playing AI on mobile, i moved, AI moved and so on until i moved and AI moved with my pieces then i could only moved with AI pieces for one move... its possible that someone alre…
