
Search "user:Toadofsky"

8672 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - What is the real value of accuracy metrics?#6

@Motroskin said in #3: > and with the 4 blunders and 1 mistake in gives 62% of accuracy which makes total sense for me. ... because your moves were 62% accurate. 0% would represent "every move is a bl…

Lichess Feedback - What is the real value of accuracy metrics?#2

Accuracy% = 103.1668 * exp(-0.04354 * (winPercentBefore - winPercentAfter)) - 3.1669

Lichess Feedback - Swedish language error in puzzle storm#2

If convenient, please help us out at

Lichess Feedback - Why cant Lichess implement like game review commentary?#3

It's difficult, expensive, and pointless.

Lichess Feedback - Calling player who intentionally runs time out scumbag#13

Maybe play 3+2 instead of 5+0 so you don't have to wait 4 minutes.

Lichess Feedback - Players who lean exclusively on their queens#7

While I think there are many faults with rating systems, I don't see an easy way to improve them. Small changes even like what you're proposing could have widespread positive or negative impacts on ex…

Lichess Feedback - Players who lean exclusively on their queens#2

@CruncciRoller said in #1: > players who open with their queen and play it exclusively How do you play the queen exclusively? Aren't the pawns in the way? One option to avoid such players is "Play aga…

Lichess Feedback - Subscribe option in Boradcasting#5

It would be nice if hovering over the switch offered a clue/tip as to what subscribing means.

Lichess Feedback - Please take it away, it really pisses me off#2

There is some control in place to protect against players repeatedly joining and dropping out of tournaments. What use case are you talking about?

Community Blog Discussions - Impossible Puzzle to solve for Humans#13

Who solved it, then? Aliens?
