
Search "user:colonel_krunch"

90 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - I salute the hero Republicans who voted to convict psychopath Trump:#1

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania. McConnell, who v…

Off-Topic Discussion - One of the dumbest public statements I've heard:#1

The U.S. president is free to commit crimes if he is near the end of his term.

Off-Topic Discussion - Any clean jokes?#1

Two girls are walking along outside. One of them says "Oh look, a dead bird!" The blonde looks up and says "Where?" (A blonde told me this one.)

Off-Topic Discussion - What is going on in russia#13

Putin is living the dream trump yearned to obtain with his domestic terrorists.

Off-Topic Discussion - Can we make Trump world ruler?#84

The conservative senate is not going to convict trump. He can then run again in 2024. He's the 3rd con president in a row to give billionaires a tax cut, thereby increasing the national debt, which th…

Off-Topic Discussion - Shouldn't protestors and violent mobs select the U.S. president? No more annoying elections!#9

Asswipe (trump) reminds me of those evildoers in westerns that frame an innocent man for the evildoer's crime (trying to steal the election, in this case), then rile up the town idles to lynch him. Ca…

Off-Topic Discussion - Shouldn't protestors and violent mobs select the U.S. president? No more annoying elections!#1

Let's have a strong man with a titanic ego- that always worked in the past!

Off-Topic Discussion - Can we make Trump world ruler?#1

After all, who else has stormed the U.S. capital lately? The Axis powers could only dream of this!

Off-Topic Discussion - What is the most creepy thing ever happened to you?#17

Was camping deep in the Mohave desert with another person, will call him Bob here. Visibility was perfect; the sun was about an hour from setting, There was no wind. Bob says "uh-oh" and grabs an 8mm …

Off-Topic Discussion - Are Antarticans the most talkative on lichess?#5

Yes we do chat quite a bit. I used to make many political comments to fight against conservatives, but now feel it is too late to save the planet. Things will get interesting in about 50 years.
