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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Issue with puzzle 6081#4

There is no reason to remove it, just correct it. No hay razón para eliminarlo, sólo corregirlo.

CM milignus
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 65110 answer is wrong#5

In fact, as I mentioned in another post, the solution to this puzzle is even worse:

CM milignus
Lichess Feedback - Issue with puzzle 6081#2

Hello everyone. I noticed that nobody paid attention to this. This is serious. It is terrible that puzzles with incorrect solutions are offered. The puzzles generator uses stockfish, but this engine a…

CM milignus
Lichess Feedback - Issue with puzzle 6081#1

The solution required by lichess in puzzle 6081 is incorrect. It asks the user to play 24 ... b5?! that leads to mate in three, instead of 24 ... Red2, which leads to mate in two. It seems that the ge…

CM milignus