
Search "user:naborjs"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - No rating mode in app#1

I have activated the no-rating mode on my account to avoid tilting. However, in the app, after a game is finished, the change of points appear (e.g. +4 for white -4 for black). Also in the profiles of…

Lichess Feedback - Bug in hidden rating mode#1

Hello, I have activated the "hidden rating" version of lichess. It is great! It allows to focus much more on playing. In the website it works perfectly. However, I realized that in the app the rating …

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#11

Thanks!! I have disabled the shortcuts and now it works. All the best!

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#9

Yes, exactly. It happens as you described it. I am using Opera, and it happens in incognito as well. I just tried Microsoft Edge and it works well there. Thank you for your help.

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#7

@benwerner said in #5: > It's not a bug. The arrows only disappear if you click on the board which is an intended feature so that you can easily get rid of them again after explaining something. If yo…

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#6

But the problem is that I cannot write the arrows. For instance, I wanted to show a maneuver with the knight. I wanted to show it with several arrows (c3-a4, a4-b2, b2-c4, for example), but I could no…

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#4

@saurabhsangeeth said in #2: > It's just the way it is, happens to everyone It seems silly to give the opportunity to show these arrows but not allow you to draw them (fixed). I guess that must be a b…

Lichess Feedback - bug in study?#1

Hello, I am trying to set some arrows in a study (with the right click) and the arrow appears but does not get fixed. The, when I click anything, the arrow disappears. Does it happen to anyone else? D…
