
Trump lost the election in 2020 to Biden

& If You mention this' to a Trump supporter they will say no' . Trump only garnered 232 Electoral College Votes to Biden's 306 ... A CLEAR VICTORY FOR JOE & Trump will lose AGAIN TO BIDEN !!
@ThunderClap said in #1:
> & If You mention this' to a Trump supporter they will say no' . Trump only garnered 232 Electoral College Votes to Biden's 306 ... A CLEAR VICTORY FOR JOE & Trump will lose AGAIN TO BIDEN !!
I mean half the country doesn't want Biden to win either
If you look at it both of them are shitty presidents in their own ways... Biden can't handle the country, Trump bends the laws to his own convenience at his leisure and will make the US a dictatorship.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but this is America we're talking about... Trump is on 4 different criminal trials, yet he's still allowed to run.
So who knows, what might happen...
I strongly dislike them both but I suspect trump will win. I’m in a democratic state and no one likes Biden here
Trump's gonna win for sure, I don't think anyone supports Biden anymore
@kit_kat1122 said in #2:
> Biden can't handle the country

I'm just curious but do you have any concrete arguments here? What is he not handling? Last I checked inflation is down, the economy is performing pretty well again, he's taking action on climate and is a strong ally of Ukraine? I'm just confused what it is that you and others find so unlikeable about him, apart from age? I mean I know there are a lot of silly memes online about his age, but if you actually listen to his speeches he has no real problems articulating himself. I think Noam Chomsky is 90+ years old and he's still a pretty clear speaker, though he can't speak as strongly as he used to.

There's no real reason to expect Biden is just going to fall over and die in his first year of his next term in office, especially compared to Trump who is literally only 4 years younger if I remember correctly.
@ThunderClap whats height and weight got to do with anything? I don’t think trumps going to die within the next four years. Maybe if we are lucky it will be a double heart attack and they will both pass away the same month
`>Biden can't handle the country

What went so bad in USA in the last 4 years, and why are you imputing everything to Biden while giving a free license to every States handled by GOP? USA is on stall regarding adopting Federal Laws. Bipartisanship is at an historical low.

Also States run by GOP can do no wrong like the King?

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