
Road to Improvemnet - Suggestions Please?

As you probably checked right now :D , I'm rated around 1800. and I started to feel kinda stuck around the 1800 mark.
So, If you were stuck there once in your life :), or you have any advice for improvement, I'd be more than happy to hear it ;)
If you want to improve, then stop blitz & bullet and play rapid & classical only.
First crawl, then walk, then run, then sprint.
You do not learn to drive a car on a high speed highway.

Whenever you lose a game, analyse it thoroughly and candidly.
Learn from your mistakes.
youre rated a lot higher than me --- but i'll throw in my 2 cents, which you can ignore or use.... since you seem to play almost exclusively fast time controls, i'd switch it up and play longer ones. you'd probably be much more inclined to try new techniques, openings, strategies since you'd have MUCH more time to think and plan, AND it would be such a change from what you are used to (fast controls). i think learning how to change your style doing what you are used to is simply harder, you know, it's your routine. changing variables (time) might be worth a try. this is assuming you simply want to improve your fast chess --------- not necessarily that you want to play clasissical games. so what i'm suggesting is counterintuitive.

personally, i analyze my games on the computer, and try to find those moves that i typically make, but the computer disagrees with, and go from there....the gist of it is to really find alternatives from my typical thinking. i think blitz and bullet force you to go on automatic ---maybe counterproductive to changing your game. well, that's my two cents, and i think it is worth at least double that amount, possibly even triple............
Play stronger players than yourself (but not so strong that you have no idea why you lost) and play slower time controls as tpr and pawnmulch said. You should analyze your games afterwards (especially losses) and do lots of tactics puzzles.
I got stuck 2 years at 1800 because I was playing a lot and studying less. I think 1800 is the point where you should begin to learn theory. And the most important 1800 is the point where you should read a lot about strategy.

In my opinion here are the best books to improve your positionnal understanding:

Winning chess strategies - GMI Yasser Seirawan:

Chess structure - GMI Mauricio Flores Rio:

For those who have questions about chess opening book you should aks to
Seems like you play blitz and bullet quite a lot! Stop it and play classicals!
i am recommending a website which helped to reach 2100+ on lichess.
They tell their secret openings and also motivate by weekly blogs.
Use the link to get courses for free! yeah !Really helped me!
@GoldenBullet , as I can see, although my rating is not even remotely as yours, I dare to suggest that renouncing openings theory could be a major step towards improvement. Hopefully this helps. Good luck.
@jyotisko06 Thanks for the website suggestion, i didn't know about that site, seems very nice.
i am happy that you r happy....create an account and start
Some good books, playing games and analyzing them, tons of pratical work. I would draw the red line between Bullet and Blitz. Having said that, no Bullet, Blitz why not?

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