
Play against @AllieTheChessBot, yet another human-like chess bot

@icytease said in #20:
> played one game, rtJp8EtZ , then went to Analysis to see where I messed up, then went back and everything the bot said was gone(?) so idk the survey link. So guess I can discuss it here.
> Allie did 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 , which I don't remember seeing from anyone at all, kinda offbeat King's Gambit line. I went 2...Qh4+ and the game continued, where I messed up in the opening and got a little worse position. I brought it back to equality and she suddenly just gave me a knight for no reason on the 18th move with 18.Nf4??
> She later let me do a pretty queen sac combination, accepted it, and was about to be mated in 2-3 moves. But she resigned after thinking for about 5-10sec, which I thought was cute.

ITS because your rating is provisional
@CHESS-PLAYER-12 said in #21:
> ITS because your rating is provisional
What does that have to do with anything...?

I meant 3rd move sry but you got the idea. 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Bc4 line. Pretty much every King's Gambit player would 3.Nf3 so I'm not sure how Allie managed to machine learn the off-beat line instead to "play more like a human".
yeah definetly if u play more games with the bot,
u can be improved with the bot
fun human-like games, managed to win 3/3 but not sure if I just got lucky.

Very odd opening with white though, h4 then a4 lol
@CHESS-PLAYER-12 said in #28:
> Aliie is not online.

The server where Allie was hosted was down for most of today. We just Allie it back up running. Allie now also has a few new configurations, and now accepts blitz games with any increment.
Cool bot, I won it 2 times and lost 2 times. And the cool thing is that her name is Allie like me/