
Which do you prefer Lichess with Social, Social with Lichess, or Just Lichess

I am part of a social community called Chess Club Live they have a social platform

It uses lots of Lichess iframes but it is not aimed at Lichess users but users of our 200,000 + community of fans who they want to encourage to use Lichess.

Could existing Lichess users find the platform useful? I have no idea.
The poor design, the unresponsiveness... The fact alone that there is at least one person using such a web service in 2016 surprises me.
An essay on Sociability........... Eloquently programmed
@Unihedron It's UX design is identical to Facebook, so your surprise surprises me

Your Unresponsiveness comment means you miss the point of the site, it's not about load balancing a load of chess content for you to stare at, it is about conversation and exchange of ideas.

Sounds like you made up your mind before you got to the site. Thanks for the feedback anyway.
@Isiah4031 wow. I don't think the page is perfect but it is a good attempt at social for chess players. It might get better as it is gets used by more people.

The tabs at the top don't impress me but I can see them being discarded once the site has more users and doesn't need all the gimmicks.
@michuk -- you have misunderstood me... Although normally verbose, i sometimes use minimalism in prose
My browser warns me not to access the site, claims that malicious attackers might be hiding behind the virtual bushes to steal my data ... -_-

that never happened to me at,, or nearly any other website I ever visited in the last years. Not off to a good start, I must say.
@rise_UIED its a SocialGo platform if think its a threat then isn't as smart as you think it is.

Anyway who cares, don't visit the site. They only have 3rd party content available at source. What they really want is people to chat and be social, which clearly you don't want to do. No offence.

I don't have time for people getting offended by things they would never be up for anyway.

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