

Usually when I play tournaments; I am in last place due to my rating ,but I play the people who are 2100rated and it also says “you play opponents near your rating”which is false
No, you play opponents that have near the same amount of points you have in a tournament. You only get paired with people near your rating at the beginning.
InkyDarkBird said in #2:
> Where did you see a text saying "you play opponents near your rating"?
@MANNAMMAM said in #4:
> Scroll down you’ll see
> the beginning it happend aswell

How does the pairing work?
At the beginning of the tournament, players are paired based on their rating.
As soon as you finish a game, return to the tournament lobby: you will then be paired with a player close to your ranking. This ensures minimum wait time, however you may not face all other players in the tournament.
Play fast and return to the lobby to play more games and win more points.

That's what it says when I scroll down.
Yes but it says this “... players are paired based on their rating.” Which is false
@MANNAMMAM said in #6:
> Yes but it says this “... players are paired based on their rating.” Which is false

At the beginning of the tournament, players are paired based on their rating.
At the beginning of the tournament
If you join open arenas, you will of course be paired with much higher rated players once in a while. You can prevent this by joining for instance U1300 or U1500 arenas.
Ich habe einmal einen Forenbeitrag über Cheating gemacht, wurde nicht benachrichtigt dass einer drauf geantwortet hat, habe deswegen nicht reingeschaut und wurde deswegen jetzt fast unfähig gemacht auf Lichess irgendetwas zu tun. Zudem habe ich im letzten Monat das Schachspielen zurückgefahren.

Das ist der Forenbeitrag wo ich nicht mehr darauf antworten kann, den ich erst heute gelesen habe weil es mich gewundert hat, dass niemand geanwortet hat und ich glaube nicht dass das Nutzerfreundlich ist in den Einstellungen nicht die Möglichkeit zu geben auf Antworten Benarchrichtigt zu werde.

Hier ist der Link zum Beitrag:

Zugegeben bin ich im Moment etwas Sauer deswegen. Danke

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