
Please can someone can recommend an opening for me?

A little about me: I've played chess for several years, usually online but never with the mind to work at it and improve. I get 1600 rating on this site currently. I always been of the "just for fun" philosophy. But now I've decided I want to put in the work to improve and so now I'm trying to decide what opening to study.

What I'm looking for in an opening is something that fits with my playing preference which I would say is definitely defensive and likes to wait for my opponent to attack and do a mistake- then I pounce : ) Also something that doesn't depend too much on what your opponent does would be best since I'm not the type to like to memorize a lot of different lines, but still being solid and giving me high chances to win.

One that's just come to my attention is the Hedgehog. From what I read about it it seems like what I'm looking for, but it seems to be geared for black. So, what for white, or a better one for black? Please hit me up with what you think would be the best opening for me based on what I said, or any other suggestions :)
Have you tried Igor Smirnov's lesson on youtube ? They may be revelationary, I find his tips make very much sense, I don't try to think too much about openings because you never know what the opponent does next, although I think when playing black it is good to know opening against white, when playing white almost anything goes.
probably the english opening (e3 and c4) or anything 1. e3 is what you want. the same opening can also work for the black side, i forget what its called though. if you like the hedgehog don't be afraid to play it as white. just some advice though, don't study openings. they really don't matter until you're at a much higher level, especially if you're already winning games without knowing any. study middlegames, endgames, and especially tactics. chess tempo is great for the latter.
Try the London or the Colle with white and the Scandinavian with Black.
At your strenght you should not focus on the opening in order to improve. That said, I agree with catfishcore's suggestions.
I started playing closed Sicilian nearly for everything with white. Strange but it works great vs my biggest enemies from black being French, Caro-Cann and Scandinavian as well.

It's definitely passive and defensive and works the way you described ... wait for a mistake and pounce :)

Besides that if you feel like in a need for action you can make a pawn rush kings side.

The only exception to this is 1. e4 e5, where I prefer to turn to Kings Gambit.

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