
What happened to the nice opening chart that was about to be implemented?

I remember seeing a green 3D pie chart that was a preview to a feature allowing a user to see all the openings they've played etc. Did this feature ever see the light of day? Is it still under development, or is finished but I can't figure out how to access it?

It - the opening coach prototype preview - was scrapped because it didn't give answers. It was virtually useless except for the fact that it had pretty colors.
That's such a big pity.

Maybe it can find its way in the insights page. What if the user sees the chart of all the openings they've played when they choose openings from the drop-down? It would look nicer than the bar graph.
I kind of wanted to see the openings I use the most...oh well.
TheIceManV you can see a ton of opening stats in the insights, did you make sure to check them out?
I'm assuming "number of moves" underneath the graph ranks most used to least? The two graphs are average ctpwn and opening.
I too was looking for a pretty graph with in depth statistics specifically on our openings. One of the best things about long sessions of blitz is that you can work on your openings. In depth analysis of them should be taken as far as possible so when we sit down to play a long game like a 45/45+, we have all of our own little nuances down for each opening and system we encounter.

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