
Peoples opinions on Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, etc.

should you vote for Donald Trump?

The United states election is coming eerily closer and closer, and it worries me that people are still considering the candidature of a certain Mr. Donald Trump. His opinions are different than most other candidates even on the republican side.. Now seriously, Donald Trump supporters will usually tell you that he will run the country like his buisnesses, well, number one if that is true, it is a bit worrying , because there are countless institutions and companies with the Trump name that have folded or gone bankrupt. But what worries me most is namely the fact that he has also used slave labor before. He hired 20 thousand polish immigrants to build an edifice for one of his buisnesses, when the building was complete, he never payed the workers a single cent. In continuation. Donald also likes to brag about a certain wall that ‘he will make the mexicans pay for’. First of all about the Trump wall, he has never repeated a single number on the price of his wall, his ‘estimates’ have ranged from 3 billion to 12 billion dollars, he also never gave a precise number on the height of the wall. He has said things from 35 feet to 90 feet. Let`s say that it will be 35 feet, it has been proven that his wall will cost 26 billion dollars. That is an absurd waste of money, just to keep the mexicans out of his country. Yes maybe a small percentage of them are druglords and thieves, but building a humongous wall is not the solution, how about make a proper border with security checks and broder guards? Besides, the idea that all mexicans are thieves and drug lords is an outdated stereotype. When you think of the amount of money that Donald Trump is willing to spend on his wall, is not only absurd, but morally unjust. We could use that money to create a health care program, America’s lower class is suffering and dying because they cannot pay their doctor’s bills, it’s ridiculous. There are third world countries out there with better health care policies than the U.S. Speaking of health care, Mr. Trump likes to critisize obama care but he convieniently forgets that the reason Obamacare flopped is because republican senators and politicans did everything to prevent it from happening and developping. So consider this, and think before you vote.
Some good points, SMV. Our for profit health care system was ranked 37th recently.
Trump has been referred to as the cartoon version of a presidential candidate.
But then Cruz, and party favorites of Republican masters clearly favor the rich with policies like a flat tax and less regulation of big business.
Kasich may not be on puppet strings and seems interested in the good of the country as a whole- but does not appear to have a chance.
Hillary clearly takes bribes from Big Money- anyone who has listened to speeches can attest to the value of them.
If Bernie Sanders or Kasich is not running I likely will not vote.
There's not a chance even with Sanders, as the whole system favors the "minority of the opulent against the tyranny of the majority".

Executive orders notwithstanding.
But at least Sanders isn't a far Right-wing Authoritarian like all the others, and yes, that includes Hillary and Obama.
I retook the 'I Side With' test and it now says on immigration I've sided, mostly, with John Kasich and Ted Cruz... Probably because I said the US should NOT accept any refugee.
As to the refugees I don't see why any country would take in vast numbers of young, single men with views alien to and largely at odds with western culture. Not counting Syria, 72% of refugees are in this category.
"he also never gave a precise number on the height of the wall. He has said things from 35 feet to 90 feet."

He has often repeated the height of the wall, 20 feet but that he would be willing to lower it too 17, and i don't give a care how much it would cost (i don't necessarily support it)
And having security checks and whatnot is exactly the point of the wall, how would you do it otherwise?? what's the point of security checks if people can just go around them with no trouble, AND did you not catch that he said the MEXICANS would pay for it, thus losing no money.

And i happen to be in the American lower class and Healthcare is not the problem... In fact that is the least of the worries, like how about the LITERALLY 30% income Tax i pay?! and Obamacare is the dumbest idea i can think of to help people that cant afford Healthcare its like " Oh so you CANT afford healthcare? well ill fix that, ill just charge you money for not having it till you get it" yeah, pretty dumb isn't it? and yeah i happen to live in an American town that about 3/4 of the people are Mexican and there are SO MANY drugs coming from Mexico that its ridiculous.. and lastly I'm not Racist some of my best friends are Mexican, i just wish they would do it legally with proper screening.
I retook the test (yet again) and now it says I side with John McAfee (Libertarian Party) on immigration; overall, the one I have sided with on most issues is Bernie Sanders (83%).

#66, mostly because I don't think that anybody should be forced to do any good deed.
Also a large number of these socalled "refugees" are actually ISIS fighters

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