
very bad puzzle: Puzzle #dlnZt

the 'solution for this puzzle stops at the point where you win a rook, nice right? no, because 3 moves later your queen is lost, it's forced: after the puzzle ends play bishop B7, queen can only take on A7 to save herself, then play knight from B8 to C6, the queen has no where to go and only can take a minor piece in exchange. At this point you are worse! so BAD puzzle.
PS: it would be nice to remake the feedback for puzzles to have 3 buttons, good, neutral and bad. and whenever 'bad' is clicked a feedback should be given why it is deemed bad. For now, I don't see any option to report puzzles that should be reviewed by much better players then myself to see if they are good puzzles, or if something was missed.
hm, will check, how can I go to a specific puzzle?
Bb5+ won't save the queen, just postpones 1 1 move: King moves out of the way to f8...
So it's a fork between Ra8 and Ne4.
Qd4 is wrong. Black replies with Nf6. Protects both pieces.
Qd5 is correct. Black replies with Nxc5. Removes a threat by capturing a pawn for a rook.

If ....
10. ... Bb7
11. Qxb7 Nc3
12. Qxa8

The puzzle is good.

There is always the very easy way to check your (wrong) assumption: Just press the switch for the engine after the puzzle ended, and check your variation.

As you will see, the puzzle is perfectly fine, and your queen trap simply does not work (due to Bb5 either directly or later).
nice tnx!
With the engine I take you mean the eval-bar and hinted moves with arrows? I couldn't realy find 'engine' anywhere. But learned some new stuff, tnx !!
There's a switch above the move kist that turns on the engine. You can configure it to show more than one line, for example the three best lines. You see the best variation, the evaluation, and you can play through the moves on the board.

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