
Help Sign The Petition Now!

@greenteakitten said in #1:
> Dihydrogen Monoxide is a harmful chemical known to cause severe health effects. Accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small amounts, can cause death. Prolonged exposure to it causes tissue damage, to the point where this substance has even be found in biopsies of tumors and lesions.
> Research has also shown acid rain contains extremely high quantities of DMHO. But that's not the only thing that DMHO is in. DMHO is in almost every single product we buy, and the FDA refuses to regulate it.
> Will you join me in the fight against the use of DMHO in our food products? We deserve a better place and a better world, and not to be fooled into buying subpar products.
> To sign the petition, just say "I am against DMHO" in the replies to this forum thread. Let's fight against dihydrogen monoxide together!
U should keep it world wide bro
@TheDiamondTiger said in #18:
> my 5th grade science teacher once read me this article about this stuff. he asked if we should ban it. everyone in our class except this one idiot thought we should ban it. turns out the dude was right. but i wont reveal it to those who have nto figured it out tho. guess you all never learned basic chem.

I think your 5th grade chemistry teacher needs to go back to school! Clearly they don't know today is DHMO awareness day, where we remember all the countless medical studies proving the harmful effects of this monoxide...

Of course science tells you you can't live without it! Science is paid by big business who puts the DHMO in our food! I call a boycott and a demand for world government to assist us in removing DHMO from the environment!
@CSAIJAGRUTH said in #21:
> U should keep it world wide bro

How many pennies the billionaires paid you to say that? ;)

Naw we fighting against oppression here. My children your children and everybody's children deserve a better world!
@greenteakitten said in #23:
> I think your 5th grade chemistry teacher needs to go back to school! Clearly they don't know today is DHMO awareness day, where we remember all the countless medical studies proving the harmful effects of this monoxide...
> Of course science tells you you can't live without it! Science is paid by big business who puts the DHMO in our food! I call a boycott and a demand for world government to assist us in removing DHMO from the environment!

gtk, can you swear that your green tea is made without the stuff?
@greenteakitten said in #24:
> How many pennies the billionaires paid you to say that? ;)
> Naw we fighting against oppression here. My children your children and everybody's children deserve a better world!
way to far out

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