
Openings for White

@Devil_fish said in #3:
> Here is a new opening for white...I shouldnt really show you this because this top secret...
this is the best opening to lose!!
you should really try it in antichess
@Fyodorrus said in #8:
> I'd say that the best opening for white would be the Scotch game because you get an advantageous postition after the pawn exchanges are done with.
yeah the scotch game and ur sure that the opponent cant play sicilian or french or caro-kann or scandinavian or modern or perk or owen or ware or alakhine or nimzowitch or duras gambit well i dont know any more moves against e4(move no 1)
@P7formula said in #7:
> Knight f3 this is a monster system that can do anything, my private stash. It is a forcing move that has the adv on anyone.
i play nf3 1st move... but whats good in it.... like how is it forcing black can play anything except e5 stopping 1 move isn't forcing also black can get QGD structure or Grunfield structure or same nf6 g6 structure or owen structure or like any structure whats forcing in it
You could start with finding a Black opening that suits you best and then start playing it with White, I saw Alireza this week trying to get a reversed Najdorf ... I discovered the White Lion by playing the Black Lion and after e4 d5 I play Nf3 to get some kind of reversed Budapester. At the end it is about finding openings that fit with your playing style.
i say the 1.f3 2.g4 if you dont get checkmated then 3.a3 if you still dont get checkmated then 4.b3 then a4,b4.....
the good opening depends on your style
like if you are attacking then you can play.... rapport jobava london system1.d4 2.nc3
if you like positional play then larsen
@pro_chess_player123 said in #11:
> this is the best opening to lose!!
> you should really try it in antichess
I can almost play anything and still win. Openings are openings. Ppl know openings in general because of patterns. Ppl compare moves with stockfish or computers..forget computers because we are humans. Chess is not all about to find and play the best moves all the time, its much all about example psychology...I have played many shit moves/openings. You can play chess in different ways - positionally, gambit, by saqs, by bluffing, etc. Once i played against female titled...And i decided me before the game started to saq several pieces to try to deliver mate with queen saq, as a experiment. I did it. Thats why sometimes im playing unorthodox instead of orthodox and "boring chess".
I tried hippotameous once against a 2200 player or so, i won the match with 95% accuracy. And i havent even study or played it before. And often with that game i've illustrated i often have example 87% accuracy with it...I played it against a GM in simul and he couldnt beat me.
Once i experimented with new opening - Duras gambit. At first attemt i saqed 3 pawns in front of the king but i had the lines with bishops and queen. He got quickly mated. I bluffed, but he had move but didnt found it and played it.
I dondt care much about theory, i care more about practical play and intuicion.
I know a GM who have a signature move, in move one - 1. Knh3...see?
@Devil_fish said in #16:
> I can almost play anything and still win.

Simply because in fast time controls refuting strange/bad openings takes too much time.
@piepuzzles said in #1:
> looking for a new white opening what do u guys play?

Maybe tell us first what wouldn ́t be new for you?
@sammgus said in #17:
> Simply because in fast time controls refuting strange/bad openings takes too much time.
This is 10 min game...
@sammgus said in #17:
> Simply because in fast time controls refuting strange/bad openings takes too much time.
And yesterday i played Jackie again...I think i have lost with it only once total...

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