
Unsavoury, distasteful, offensive and - in some countries - illegal.

Is there a place in lichess for unadulterated racism? This is the 21st century. We're all entitled to our own opinions but we surely aren't allowed, on a site with moderators, to use certain words such as the 'N' word, or to celebrate racial hatred.
Not at all. If the world was full of Neville Chamberlains, we'd have lost WW2. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.
Ah, well, if you choose to froth at the mouth manner every time some twelve-year-old yanks your chain, that's your problem.

They'll be entertained and you can award yourself brownie points for single-handedly making the world a better place.

Have fun, I'm done.
I don't get why people care so damn much. What, are you supposed to kill all racists? Is that really just? Or just hypocritical? Are we supposed to limit free speech? What?
"If my theory of relativity is proven successful, Germany will claim me as a German and France will declare that I am a citizen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German and Germany will declare that I am a Jew".

Albert Einstein
OK. This is a tough subject. Where do you draw the line on what is too offensive. Well, in my opinion, its up to the moderators to draw this line. However, if you don't like their answer, I can take care of it for you for a bag of birdseed. Me and my bird friends will crap the hell out of their vehicles. This should take care of the cheaters also. You will be able to smell them approaching from miles away after we get done with them. As one member said, keep it simple. So Cheaters hell = one pile of bird crap on each cheater! Sincerely, tiki bird.
Soft cursing on lichess is alright, and there's no filter on what words that can be used, but insults, hateful comments, and racism are a few of the things that are not permitted.

Currently the moderator team does not have the power to close accounts and teams that break these rules - only thibault has that ability, and he's only one person. I'm personally pushing for the ability to remove teams and players that explicitly support racism and hate-speech.
I agree with CanisLupus, that groups like the 2000 plus chess team should be able to openly operate here. Players with offensive player ID should also not be permitted. Unless this site allowed to slowly become a place where people are driven away and are not welcome for friendly exchanges over the chess board.
Well, we could decide that the person was 'just being anti-Zionist', although I personally doubt if that is the case, and just ask people to refrain from political commentary, waiting until people are repeatedly provocative before considering action.

As for the point about free speech: yes, but a chess club is not a public square. If the writer breaks the law but is not dealt with or reachable, then the proprietor ends up taking responsibility. So it stands to reason that Thibault should retain the right to decide just how much freedom there is.

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