
The new Font feedback?

FWIW, the font at small sizes looks better on my Mac than it did in Linux.

The three big buttons on the right side of the home page for creating games are still very hard to read though. Can those be unbolded?
@Clarkey, the problem not is the "level" of the sound, if not the "frequency" of them. The cars not have a horn with the sound of harp... I don't know if I make to understand me.

Thanks for answer in anyway.
Are you trying to say that the pitch of the sound is too high?... or two low? Is the sound too short?

The sound was changed specifically so it would be closer to a haptic feedback - short and instructive - a thud. Instead of the long 'dong' which was very unsuitable for short games.
Yes, is thud, at less to me. I've problems with the low frequency. Anyway...

By the by; right now neither I can't see the pieces in the analysis section.

Thanks for the time.
The old font was *much* more readable and pleasant for me, especially on dark background.

The new one is way too thin/faint with my settings, while its bold form (is it the same font?) is way too bold (but at least readable).

For what is worth, I'm a Linux user and *very* picky with my fonts. I want them big, antialiased and crisp, without color casts, so I'm using "greyscale" AA and "slight" hinting (Gnome settings, nVidia drivers - yes, the graphics card DOES play a role). And still using that 8-year-old Eizo PVA TFT - to my disappointment, it still beats all modern laptop screens.

BTW, the new "thud" sound is AMAZING! The previous one was so unnatural and annoying that I was never using it, even when it would have been very useful (eg. browsing other tabs). Impressive how such a tiny and easy change can HUGELY improve usability.
Thanks for the feedback. Some love the new font and hate the sound, you hate the font and love the sound. It's impossible to please everybody - and I'm not cluttering the site with options for everything.
I also am a Linux user (archlinux/Xmonad) and I enjoy my dark background with this Open Sans font.
Ohm, and you feel special for use Arch XD? (sorry if I am rude, but there are many idiots thinking that they are "a big deal" only for use it)

The problem with the sound is because with its frequency is very easy cover it with sound of the streets (not always is possible have the windows closed), music around of us or including closing a door.

Anyway, the problem with the pieces in analysis section continues :C (and sometimes the killed pieces return in a random place).

Thanks for the time.
Well, for better or for worse, being a Linux user still requires some technical proficiency, especially with distros such as Gentoo and Arch. I've switched to Debian though - It Just Works™.

(That said, I've seen people downloading BACKTRACK and thinking they already became "hackers", while they didn't even know how to burn the .iso... true story)

Thibault, you are right, it's hard to please everyone and keeping the interface simple is important. BTW, the recent interface improvements are great, especially in analysis mode (and you can't consult the computer while still playing a human anymore!). No problems at all, except...

The only glitch I wanted to report was the system telling me that I am a spectator (!) after reloading the page (while trying to reconnect). It might have been during a silent upgrade though.

Also, a side-effect of the new URL structure is not being able to continue a game after switching browsers and copying the link... it switches to spectator mode on the new browser (I guess the new functionality uses cookies). Unfortunately I had to use that as a workaround many times due to frequent disconnection issues (either the red warning or a "?" for the number of players). Copying the link from Firefox to Midori would allow me to continue playing, even when refreshing the Firefox tab wasn't solving the problem. It's as if WebSockets aren't stable in Firefox lately, but I think it has also to do with the server load.

Very minor impovement suggestion: On the analysis page there could be buttons "click to copy to clipboard" for FEN and PGN (using JavaScript).

Sorry for the off-topic... Lichess rocks, keep up the great work :D
Hey solani, thanks for your post.

About becoming a spectator: you guessed it right, the player credentials no longer belong intl the URL but in cookies. However, let me check the code... yes, you should be able to switch browser as long as you're logged in with the same user.
Firefox websockets: yes, for me too, sometimes FF refuses to reconnect. It's very annoying. I have to restart it, then it connects fine.
Can JS copy to clipboard yet?

Heinz: what browser are you using again?
lichess is great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great

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