
Denouncing French Federation Partnership

@Wassailing said in #23:
> If I had to guess why you guys were passed over it's probably because you have a history of being politically-motivated ideologues who will promote or retract your support for organizations based on whatever cultural issue is prominent this week instead of doing your jobs and promoting chess for everybody.

Luckily for us you don't have to guess.
@Marlonc said in #32:
> May I ask when and why 'denouncing' (as still appears here in the forum) was changed to 'questioning'?

GRANDS ÉCHECS put the squeeze on us :D

Nah - the authors had a slight preference for "questioning" but we forgot to amend the title before publishing, so the change was made a few minutes later. Doesn't really mean anything; both terms are reasonable descriptions of Lichess's position.
@Wassailing said in #23:
> If I had to guess why you guys were passed over it's probably because you have a history of being politically-motivated ideologues who will promote or retract your support for organizations based on whatever cultural issue is prominent this week instead of doing your jobs and promoting chess for everybody.

Imagine thinking basic human decency is an ideology and a political issue.
<Comment deleted by user>
L'état le recommande alors c'est bien... toujours aussi naïf.
@Wassailing said in #23:
> If I had to guess why you guys were passed over it's probably because you have a history of being politically-motivated ideologues who will promote or retract your support for organizations based on whatever cultural issue is prominent this week instead of doing your jobs and promoting chess for everybody.

Lichess’s creators created this website and whatever they decide to do with it is their job. Did you hold an interview process and hire them to do nothing but promote chess without regard to politics? This is a private website owned by people who have a right to their opinions/political stances. You have a right to go elsewhere if that bugs you. Also, if you’re not interested in politics and just don’t care you can skip commenting and just play chess. The folks who gave (this is a gift, by the way) us this incredible resource have a right to their free speech and political action. Full stop. Also, in comparison to lichess, how much more than them have you promoted chess to the world? Pretty sure they’ve got you beat.
@Deadban said in #34:
> Luckily for us you don't have to guess.
True. I can tell by the seething replies that I am 100% correct. I guess I never had to guess after all.
@Khallyx said in #33:
> Imagine thinking basic human decency is an ideology and a political issue.
Imagine being reddit personified. Couldn't be me.
@PatrickJames84 said in #36:
> Lichess’s creators created this website... (blah blah blah)
I'm not violating their tos and I have every right to call them out for being dumb. Just like the French Federation has a right to not use their website.
Not sure that the problem is only about the moral value of cryptocurrency technologies and their population scale behavior.
There is a chess issue in France, the crypto-thing is just making the case for dissonant public statements (as I understood from blog, but I have imagination filling blanks often) for the chess dedication of the organism that could have been chosen by the federation. I think that lichess, besides it political stances that I think are best presented as they did, other more pyramindally minded internet things would have ideologies underlying their every moves, without making it clear.. So I think transparency is the reccurent theme about lichess, and online chess is in need for a paradigm shift with respect to transparency, open source and open data (I would add open assumptions and open reasoning, but that it more about chess in general, and an opinion I could not repress...) are the best princples that lichess has maintained throughout it course from the beginning. And what makes me accept certain things not going the way I would prefer for my selfish needs and also what I think lichess could do better.

I think transparency trumps having no political stance made apparent. The very political positioning of lichess at its foundation on what software and internet can be, should be enough to let the other things be just reminders that at least it is above board.

I have a problem with corporate speak in general. disclaimer.
Lichess est un site internationalement connu et apprécié. Pourquoi voudrait il être sponsorisé ou lié à un organisme national tel la FFE ?

Lichess is an internationally known and well-loved chess site. Why would it wish to be sponsored or linked to a parochial origanisation like the FFE?
@Wassailing said in #37:
> True. I can tell by the seething replies that I am 100% correct. I guess I never had to guess after all.
> Imagine being reddit personified. Couldn't be me.
> I'm not violating their tos and I have every right to call them out for being dumb. Just like the French Federation has a right to not use their website.

I’m not questioning your rights. I’m questioning the validity of you telling these people what their jobs are.