
Search "user:HELLOwonderfulPEOPLE"

17 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?#35

@ew-pawn said in #34: > @HELLOwonderfulPEOPLE it was fully grown and not so young but still.. i wasnt ready to say goodbye Awwwww :( I wish you did not have to say goodbye I WOULD KILL MYSELF If my do…

Off-Topic Discussion - If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?#33

@dstne said in #24: > Prolly Jesus or Paul. Ultimately I’ll get to meet both of those someday anyways so I guess I’ll get my wish! See me I would do Jesus But you do you

Off-Topic Discussion - If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you meet?#32

@ew-pawn said in #21: > you said anyone so I would like to meet my dog who died a few months ago i miss him so much AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I feel so baddddd :(((( Poor dog :( Was it a puppy or fu…

#JusticeForLordSupremeChess - #JusticeForLordSupremeChess forum#7

@ew-pawn said in #6: > @HELLOwonderfulPEOPLE bc of ban i think he texted but anyone cant see that text Yea thats what I'm saying or did not say but I wanted to.

#JusticeForLordSupremeChess - #JusticeForLordSupremeChess forum#5

@ew-pawn said in #4: > @LordSupremeChess in the off topic post i wanted to tag someone and your name appeared but you didnt text anything Yea thats prob because internet or maybe because the chat ban …

#JusticeForLordSupremeChess - #JusticeForLordSupremeChess forum#3

Wsp Lord, btw how are you chat banned but I can see your messages in my notifications?

Off-Topic Discussion - LordSupremeChess#8

@MrPushwood said in #5: > How could he be getting banned all of a sudden? He hasn't been any worse than usual, right? :) LOL Idk tbh I think he has ️️️️