
Search "user:mkubecek"

1140 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Suggestion for the site: Start an analysis board from any position#7

@Forgeron-de-Pion said in #6: > Here, this is the study ... tell me if you can access a computer analysis in it Comments #5 was about puzzles, not studies. And so was #4 that I was replying to.

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion for the site: Start an analysis board from any position#5

@Forgeron-de-Pion said in #4: > I completely understand your perspective here, however, I'm talking about the situation *after* I have completed the puzzle! I want to just click over to an analysis bo…

General Chess Discussion - How to evaluate my chess progress?#19

It's not really purely a matter of choice but I believe it's not completely out of your control either. Losing a piece (or making a mistake in general) is a nice example. Beginners and less experience…

General Chess Discussion - Rated approx 1850 FIDE? Interested in 30+30 games this week?#2

I sincerely hope this doesn't become common practice. Based on information in my profile, there are 17000-19000 active players of classical time controls. Imagine what would the forum look like if jus…

General Chess Discussion - Mike Tyson and Garry Kasparov#6

@EvilPyrokar said in #4: > While i'm not agreeing with everything Kasparov ever said I could likely say this about every single person in the world, myself included. (OK, perhaps except babies who hav…

General Chess Discussion - Mike Tyson and Garry Kasparov#5

@QathetMike said in #3: > 1 is a convicted rapist ...the other a terrorist. :-)

Lichess Feedback - Warning for "leaving the game without resigning"#4

Whey you have the "Confirm resignation and draw offers" setting enabled (which I suspect is the default), you need to press the button again (after it turns red) to actually resign or offer a draw. Th…

Lichess Feedback - Possible bug in puzzle mechanics#3

@glbert said in #2: > you would not write it in all caps, because it is not an acronym. it's the last name of arpad elo While nitpicking... then the name shouldn't be written all in lowercase either. …

General Chess Discussion - How to evaluate my chess progress?#17

Reminds me a nice observation from a blogpost I read here: having consistent performance sounds like a good thing while hitting a plateau sounds awful... but when you think about it, both in fact mean…

Lichess Feedback - New suggestion for Opening Explorer (or Advanced Search)#4

I'm doing it quite often when preparing for a game against a known opponent. I keep switching between the player and "masters" most of the time.
