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46 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are not puzzles#23

@OctoPinky said in #22: > Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Of course, I was in the same metaphorical mood than Nadja when she wrote "engines can be a bit blind...", sure I meant "calculation capabili…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are not puzzles#21

@OctoPinky said in #20: > would agree if this was an engine testing position, but seriously... am I supposed to have more insight than SF at 19? SF doesn't have any insight, but in any case puzzles ar…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles are not puzzles#11

@Guaiota said in #10: > > > Why does Queen take Knight, if the result is suicide; killed by a Bishop pin to the king? > Are there not any better moves for her other than blu…

General Chess Discussion - Is it more productive to just give up?#11

@cosmic4z said in #5: > Maybe I didn't communicate well? > > "Not cool" was in reference to NOT resigning in a lost position. No you communicated well, I just can't read. I suppose the converse of wha…

General Chess Discussion - Is it more productive to just give up?#4

That's called resigning. If you're clearly losing heavily, there is nothing "not cool" about resigning. Just resign and try to correct the mistake in future. Playing on is if you're in a competition w…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess puzzle - what do you do when you do not agree with the puzzle solution?#8

@irridente said in #1: > in the following puzzle, the suggested solution for white is to enter into a tactics theme, however black has mate in 1, I do not agree with the suggested solution because it …

General Chess Discussion - Is opening theory really that important?#36

I think the main idea of "opening theory" is to spend 5 minutes on your first 10 moves and know that you're equal or better, rather than spending 20 minutes and not being sure.

General Chess Discussion - Why are users allowed to use the Russian flag?#2

Might be the philosophy of the site owner not to bring politics into their platform. There are probably flags of other dictatorships and terrorist states as well.

General Chess Discussion - Rating difference between two chess sites#21

@DrHack said in #20: > I think they used to start at 1200. I've had people reporting to me that they were forced to start at a 400 rating recently, which is crushing the average rating on the site. I …

General Chess Discussion - Rating difference between two chess sites#18

@DrHack said in #17: > Uhh.. average on CDC is around 650 on the standard chess variants. Your stats are from 2020. I didn't state the average for CDC. But as it is the first point of call for almost …
