
Search "user:Zhgilmev"

42 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - A crazyhouse engine!? Wow!#24

Hi all Excellent engine! I won at 5 once. After level 6 it is very hard) I know played with him LM Atrophied on your channel and unmatched chickencrossroad.

General Chess Discussion - Highest Rating of All Time Achieved Today#3

ZH It is developing very rapidly. Every week we see a lot of new and strong players.

General Chess Discussion - 3000!#8

Yes, they have their own rating - why not.

General Chess Discussion - Search principle#1

On what basis the party fall into the base? Just leafing through a search I see everything - the party in 2015, 2016, anonymous, etc. But that does not mean to base all the games played on the site ..…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle / Real rating discrepancy#7

Intelligence itself is not being. I already wrote about it here. At some level puzzles refer you to the art of chess composition. An understanding of the nuances of a particular position, and there ca…

General Chess Discussion - variant of chess (kunfu chess)#11

Chicken - one of my favorite players here, I'm a fan of his, he's a real devil) This option is very cool, looks like another 4D chess. But still another embodiment similar to ZH - CrazyWar...

General Chess Discussion - Favorite lichess players?#36

GM chessbrahs IM Elda64 Lance5500 FM TampaChess LM Atrophied crosky LM JannLee mastertan xuanet chickencrossroad IM hiimgosu opperwezen FM gnejs CM Kingscrusher-YouTube NM blitzbullet

General Chess Discussion - What is your Longest Winning Streak?#29

scrub_a_dub_dub You are a strange player. Why do you have no desire to fight with opponents of equal you in power?

General Chess Discussion - Viktor Korchnoi#6

Very sorry. It was one of my favorite players ...

General Chess Discussion - Drunk Chess#29

This is a good topic)) A lot of players from Latin America cocaine use and play a great game superfast. Amazing response to the online chess is often associated with stronger stimulants. I personally …
