
Search "user:mystical"

28 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Calculate performance rating for players after a tournament#1

This would be nice :)

Lichess Feedback - Why not separate tournaments by strength?#1

In almost all real-life tournaments, the event has a category that specifies how strong the players in it are. Unfortunately, it hasn't been implemented in online tournaments for some reason. There ar…

Lichess Feedback - How an intermediate developer can easily cheat bullet games on lichess#3

Well, cheating was my only concern here. The messages I was referring to were the ones that are communicated between client and server. For more detail, see here for an example…

Lichess Feedback - How an intermediate developer can easily cheat bullet games on lichess#1

Since the entire website and its backend are open source, lichess more than any other chess websites is inviting to hackers and cheaters. In particular, I want to draw the attention of lichess develop…

Lichess Feedback - Draws#18

+1 to OneOfTheQ. According to, currently there are 2,303,573 bullet games in the database, 1,284,851 of which were ended in a time flag (55.7%), 988,135 were decisiv…

Lichess Feedback - To make lichess a chess social network#4

hahahahaha a chess date. "Lost a chess game? Feel dumb? Well now, thanks the CSN technology, you can find that son of a bitch that did that to you on a GPS and go kick his ass! Or at least try. Was a …

Lichess Feedback - ECO B21 opening ambiguity#1

The other day, I tried to search for games played with the Smith-Morra gambit opening. I then realized, because of the ambiguity of the ECO B21, it wasn't there in the list of openings. According to h…

Lichess Feedback - Replay the game with exact move times#1

As of now, there is a nice graph showing how much the user took for each move (although it's rounded to nearest .5). And there is a re-play button that when pressed automatically plays back all the mo…
