
Search "user:PerversissimusEns"

68 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - I can't login from mobile anymore...#5

As I have said to @MjGm2500 just below your question, I had asked about this problem at the very beginning of it (yesterday). The REASON is implicit in my yesterday message:…

Lichess Feedback - Lichens app not working#2

Hi there. I've asked the same just before your question: In my message it is implicit the reason (EOL for some OS/devices)

Lichess Feedback - EOL for Lichess app?#2

It seems this is true because on my device it still doesn't work

Lichess Feedback - EOL for Lichess app?#1

Is just come the fateful day, after 2022 technical trick to consent the app working on older Android?

Lichess Feedback - cheater#14

@RickRenegade said in #8: > @Tatanka-Yotanka > > Hahaha Copy the game and solve mate in one. It's like 3 clicks on the mouse. Hardly the Krypton Factor is it. > If you're struggling with that then onl…

Lichess Feedback - Option for modifying name#1

Hi, currently it is only available for capital vs lowercase letters. Can you please expand the possibility of changing letters and characters (at least 2 or 3 in case of typing mistake)?

Lichess Feedback - Does Lichess have a solitaire chess training mode?#2

I think this may be trivially the Analysis function. Here you can analyse any game, and explore multiple lines. however you cannot save it in the app; you can only copy the PGN and save (paste) it in …

Lichess Feedback - Openings book#1

Hello everyone. I'm noticing that in the current app release there's no more the book, instead it has been introduced the "coordinates" training feature. Has really been deleted the book with all open…

Lichess Feedback - Reaction Emoticons#12

@FC-in-the-UK said in #10: > @PerversissimusEns here you can find a (non-exhaustive) survey: Believe me: I trust you, and I'm convincing myself I'm gonna love horsey :-)

Lichess Feedback - Reaction Emoticons#11

@FC-in-the-UK said in #9: > @Shadow1414 do you have a file somewhere with that answer ready for every time someone asks about the meaning of horsey? He's a coherent guy :-)
