
Search "user:Sauerstoff"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Looking for buddies to improve practical endgame play#10

I recommend the endgame books of Mark Dworetsky and John Nunn. The advantage in comparison to practice with an engine or a person with comparable level for example is that the books give you human und…

General Chess Discussion - Break The Barrier#3

1700 players often play relatively well strategically but from time to time they do relatively simple tactical mistakes. So my suggestion would be to train tactics. Teichmann said "Chess is 99 percent…

General Chess Discussion - 1300's are stronger than 1500's#19

You have to keep in mind that the rating is not a complete description of a players skills. For example someone can have a relatively good strategical understanding, but overlooks relatively simple ta…

General Chess Discussion - Tactics#2

Just continue practicing tactics and play games. Every chess game is full of tactical possibilities, also yours! It's a good starting point to make your self aware of typical motives like pins, forks,…

General Chess Discussion - 1300's are stronger than 1500's#5

Maybe it's just your preference that you are better against players with a structured playstyle. The rating system indicates that they are on average more successfull than the players who throw random…
