
Search "user:Scors0"

45 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Some comprehension questions#3

@sheckley666 said in #2: > Lichess won't answer most of these questions, and any others' answers will be pure speculation. As mentioned above, don't expect to get a full explanation about it, because …

Lichess Feedback - Feature request: scan diagrams (eg. from literature)#1

When studying with books (yes, that is still a thing! :-) ), I use Lichess analysis options to help me visualize and study. It would be very handy if I could use my mobile phone (or tablet) and take a…

General Chess Discussion - Guess the elo, edition 3 (WB 7 Feb)!#12

white 1400, black 1500 ish :-)

Lichess Feedback - Curious about this#12

@RiotandCarngeISVenom said in #9: > Thank you for the reply, just out of curiosity, how would they track an anonymous player? @saurabhsangeeth said in #10: > They don't ig 70% of the time I play anon …

Lichess Feedback - Curious about this#8

If I can remember correctly, there is an AI server that checks all/suspicious behaviour? So, if you would be an eg. 2000 player without app help, you would probably play as a 2500 player with an app. …

Lichess Feedback - Mark positions as equal in Interactive Mode (Study)#1

Hi, AFAIK it is not possible to mark positions as equally good in an Interactive Mode Study? Simple example: I have a mate-in-one diagram (eg. classic mate in a Q+K vs K ending) where there are multip…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: add games manually#6

I agree, it's ok-ish, but the possibility to just 're-play' your game (like in a study/analysis...) instead of importing PGN's might improve it drastically. And afterwards adding info like the (fide) …

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: add games manually#4

Could be added in the 'Import Game' tab?

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: add games manually#1

Hi, As far as I know, there is no possibility to add games played offline (or on other platforms?) to the database of played games? Eg. I play in a club on a weekly basis. I now add the games to the a…

Lichess Feedback - Feature Request: Add national elo#1

Hi, Is it possible to add a 'National elo' tab? Maybe with a country tag? Eg. I have Belgian elo, but no FIDE elo since I don't play (inter)national tournaments. Could be handy/nice-to-have for many o…
