
Search "user:mkubecek"

975 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - OTB Tournament Preparation#11

I really wouldn't worry about bishop and knight checkmate. While I tend to deal better with endgames than most players of similar level, I have a long list of endgames that I need to look into which a…

General Chess Discussion - not important but why has my corespondance score decreased 20 points when last gme i drew and thus#3

This is a common misunderstanding. The game summary always shows the rating at the start of the game and rating difference from the game. But simply adding/subtracting these two numbers may not tell y…

General Chess Discussion - Is it normal to have a winning streak and then suddenly start losing several games in a row?#7

Even if the results were completely random and independent, winning or losing streaks would be expected. If you play e.g. 6 games in a row with 50% chance to win/lose each, you have 1/64 chance to win…

General Chess Discussion - Most aesthetic checkmates & cool positions you had#8

I scored a nice looking checkmate yesterday:

General Chess Discussion - Classical ruined my blitz need help#7

@airfloo said in #5: > And that is why you don't try classical at home!... I tried to play it (on lichess) from other places but I cannot focus as well as with my home setup.

Lichess Feedback - Empty "Game-Picture" by hover event on tournament on evere single game.#2

Works correctly again.

Lichess Feedback - During games, I cannot watch the end position of the games that I played against the same opponent#3

Works now after today's restart.

Lichess Feedback - Game lost when the rules say it's a draw#3

Lichess Feedback - I hope there will be a miss click button in the near future...#7

You can disable takebacks in your settings (or allow them only in casual games).

Lichess Feedback - During games, I cannot watch the end position of the games that I played against the same opponent#2

Probably a more general issue: the game preview pop-up shown when hovering over a result in (swiss) tournament standings is also empty.
