
Search "user:sandcastel"

56 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - App doesn’t work#8

My app is not working well on Android either. I get the orange spinner at the bottom, it thinks that I am not logged in. Then I click around the app and then hit the Home icon. Then it thinks I am log…

Lichess Feedback - Are lichess donations tax deductible in the USA?#1

I read the frequently asked questions, and it states that lichess is a non-profit organization and it has a link to a French url. But, for me that doesn't definitively answer the question whether lich…

General Chess Discussion - Takeback-function and its use#13

Pre-moves are a strategy intended to win on time or intimidate your opponent. I never give a take back for a pre-move. I am usually pretty generous with take back requests. I don't offer take backs if…

Lichess Feedback - Get joker for a takeback if you accept a takeback#11

Could have some additional take back rules/or settings: Touch move - only the moved piece can be moved after the take back, prevents blundering a piece and making an entirely different move instead Ca…

Game analysis - Go for material or go for the mate?#7

@pawnaway Thanks for the observations and analysis for the earlier moves. Admittedly my biggest flaw is that I tend to play too quickly without considering all my best options. On move 10, my thought …

Game analysis - Go for material or go for the mate?#5

Thanks for the replies and for the votes. Seems like the general consensus is to fork the rooks and bishop and then take the bishop. I guess taking the bishop is kind of an implied follow on choice, s…

Game analysis - Fancy Queen Sac#2

I really dig that irony in that white was attempting to setup a mating net by using their king to limit your kings movement, only to have it backfire and lead to a checkmate.

Game analysis - Go for material or go for the mate?#1

On move 19, I was faced with the choice: 1) move my knight to fork the opponents rooks and bishop or 2) take the knight in an even exchange because it is defending the king. Please react with "thinkin…

Game analysis - How can a 1900+ player lose while being so many tempi ahead?#3

No, your strategy to just avoid making weaknesses does not make sense. You are essentially just waiting for your opponent to blunder. That will only take you so far in chess. White should have tried t…

Game analysis - King walk#7

An interesting take on "attack your opponent on both sides of the board".
