
Lichess: Year in Review 2023

Great site. Thanks for the news. I was curious about the moderation situation information. And I got some answers.
Interesting that there was no mention of the hackneyed virtue-signaling boycott of STLCC.
Happy New Year everyone, excited to see what 2024 will bring to Lichess! :)
@Lichess said:
> Around a year ago, growth in user donations and support allowed us to employ a full time mobile app developer [...] A year on, @veloce and nearly 20 other contributors have made great progress. Many features are implemented,
But still you couldn't get rid of that nasty grey strip hiding the pieces when starting a chess960 game... Shame. Studying the starting position is the whole point of Fisherandom, and you cover the pieces? Nonsense.
Apart from that, Lichess rocks! You guys are awsome. Thank you.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #9:
> I don't think that we'll have new variants in 2024-25, i heard infos like that there are enought variants.

Какое там достаточно?!;) это ж целая вселенная, дорогой, и много чего может быть введено здесь. Например,... да те же самые 5 шахов с PlayStrategy, или кучку вариантов от меня или задолго до меня. Есть куда расти. /|\
{to everyone}
Which enough there?!;) it's a whole universe, dear, and a lot of things can be introduced here. For example,... yes, the same 5 checks with PlayStrategy, or some of variants from me or long before me. There is a place to grow.
@Diceroller_is_Fire said in #28:
> Какое там достаточно?!;) это ж целая вселенная, дорогой, и много чего может быть введено здесь. Например,... да те же самые 5 шахов с PlayStrategy, или кучку вариантов от меня или задолго до меня. Есть куда расти. /|\
> {to everyone}
> Which enough there?!;) it's a whole universe, dear, and a lot of things can be introduced here. For example,... yes, the same 5 checks with PlayStrategy, or some of variants from me or long before me. There is a place to grow.

Maybe, but it's not me who decide this )) maybe there are enought in their opinion since you have other server built like Lichess for variants

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