
I can beat stockfish level 8 with white and black

@Gonzalo2568 said in #70:
> Yes, after taking chess lessons for more than 1 year with a good coach and after playing more than 1000 games against stockfish, you learn how the computer "thinks", you can confirm my theory with @Dmitri_Fatkin because he has improved my games against the computer.
In fact my account is not banned on the other 5 platforms.
@Gonzalo2568 said in #70:
> Yes, after taking chess lessons for more than 1 year with a good coach and after playing more than 1000 games against stockfish, you learn how the computer "thinks", you can confirm my theory with @Dmitri_Fatkin because he has improved my games against the computer.
sorry but I don't really believe non of It, neither Your Potential GirlFriend does, as She said Herself
@Gonzalo2568 said in #70:
> Yes, after taking chess lessons for more than 1 year with a good coach and after playing more than 1000 games against stockfish, you learn how the computer "thinks", you can confirm my theory with @Dmitri_Fatkin because he has improved my games against the computer.

No, this requires at least 40.000+ games, because engine "thinking" is quite complex. And even then, as 1300-1600 Glicko-2-rated player, you'll have to resort to remembering PGN-saved notations of most-common continuations of certain openings.

Try playing some Chess 960 games against Stockfish level 8 without external assistance. It'll be a good result if 1200-rated player holds for 45 moves. Needless to say such games are impossible to win, unless you've been learning certain openings of some specific, out of 960 existing, start positions. The classical chess isn't much different.

Even 2000 Glicko-2-rated player can't be winning games against Stockfish level 8 on a steady, day-to-day basis, unless they consist of beforehand-analysed lines or were aided by an engine.
@Dmitri_Fatkin said in #73:
> No, this requires at least 40.000+ games, because engine "thinking" is quite complex. And even then, as 1300-1600 Glicko-2-rated player, you'll have to resort to remembering PGN-saved notations of most-common continuations of certain openings.
> Try playing some Chess 960 games against Stockfish level 8 without external assistance. It'll be a good result if 1200-rated player holds for 45 moves. Needless to say such games are impossible to win, unless you've been learning certain openings of some specific, out of 960 existing, start positions. The classical chess isn't much different.
> Even 2000 Glicko-2-rated player can't be winning games against Stockfish level 8 on a steady, day-to-day basis, unless they consist of beforehand-analysed lines or were aided by an engine.
Yes I agree, what I am trying to say is that after 1 one year of studying chess and playing more than 1000 games against stockfish, you don't need an engine to beat a 1700 rated player or less
@aVague said in #72:
> sorry but I don't really believe non of It, neither Your Potential GirlFriend does, as She said Herself
Today I played an online Fide game against a guy from Serbia with 1200 points, I beat him but it was not easy, it means that Fide points are not the same thing as lichess points
@Gonzalo2568 said in #76:
> Today I played an online Fide game against a guy from Serbia with 1200 points, I beat him but it was not easy, it means that Fide points are not the same thing as lichess points
1st anywaone can write any fide, it's not a reason to believe them
2) he couldn't be not as near strong as SF here actually

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