
Which is your favorite opening ?

Any E4 as white (Spent time playing Spanish game, Italian game and Ponziani - if the responce is Scandanavian Defence I like the Tennison Gambit in bullet games)

Black is either Sicilian or Anglo-Slav

I used to try and play the Traxlor counter gambit but always had difficulty making it stick.
# 31 Traxler Countergambit has a pretty specific move order. It is best played when white has a bishop on c4 and takes your f7 pawn with the knight threating your Q and R. Having your own bishop on c5 take on f2+ then after the king moves(hoprefully takes but best move is Kf1). Assuming he takes, you move your knight into check and then bring out your queen. Should you get this far, this is winning for black. If you want, you can me a game you played with Traxler, and I can tell you what did you wrong. Freindly Greetings.

I have studied that line from the famous game.

I understand as a response to the Fried Liver you ignore the threat and take with the Bishop calling check against white. From here there are many responses... if he takes the bishop then you can call check with the knight and can get your queen into the game avoiding the problem of the fork.

I got Traxlored in a bullet the other day and despite not taking the bishop they managed to pin me down with a mate eventually. On the other side of the coin I have only managed to play it 2-3 times (unfortunately not succeeding in getting the mate, and not logged since it was on Facebook which doesn't save PGN's) and it is hard to practice a line that rarely comes up.

These days I don't answer with the knight defense as black so won't get a chance to practice it, but it is a fun line ^^

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