
Hidden puzzle rating?

When I am logged in I see a puzzle rating (with no question mark) on @ssb22 but when I am not logged in there is just a question mark there. It doesn't matter, but I did wonder if there's a reason why the Lichess system might have decided to hide my puzzle rating from everyone else.

I do share an IP address with someone who is less good at puzzles than me, and we have often used our devices independently for Puzzle of the Day at the same time. That may have made the server see traffic like "lost puzzle, then won same puzzle as different user" which may have been flagged as "puzzle cheating", but a test like that would false-positive on large ISPs with few shared exit IPs (such as some mobile networks) when lots of people do the same Puzzle of the Day.

Or was it just because my puzzle rating got too much higher than my games rating? But it's a different thing: with puzzles you are told there is something interesting to look for and you're given unlimited time to see it.
It is because there is too much difference between your games rating and your puzzles rating. A 2500 PR to be shown publicly needs a 1800 GR in any standard chess tc.
@Deadban said in #2:
> It is because there is too much difference between your games rating and your puzzles rating. A 2500 PR to be shown publicly needs a 1800 GR in any standard chess tc.
Not really, for example, (@)VNgoesBrrrrrr has 2700 in puzzles, 1800 GR, and his puzzle rating is still written.

Yeah exactly, I would be wrong if their PR wasn't publicly shown.
1800 GR for 2500+ PR and if I recall correctly 2100 GR for 3000+ PR. You can find all the exact numbers somewhere in the code if you can read it.
Yes it's in lila/modules/user/src/main/Perfs.scala :
def dubiousPuzzle = {
puzzle.glicko.rating > 3000 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 2100) ||
puzzle.glicko.rating > 2500 && !standard.glicko.establishedIntRating.exists(_ > 1800)

Which says game rating must be 1801 or above for puzzle rating 2501 or above to be shown, and game rating must be 2101 or above for puzzle rating 3001 or above to be shown. (I say ..01 because > means "strictly greater than", not "greater than or equal to")
and "established" means not provisional (see lila/modules/rating/src/main/Glicko.scala) so a rating with a ? (like my current correspondence rating) doesn't count
... but it turns out playing a couple more games to get rid of the "?" on a >1800 correspondence rating did not cause a >2500 puzzle rating to start showing in the summary bar, although it did start showing in the graph. I couldn't work out from the code why there's this discrepancy (but then I don't write Scala every day).

Not to worry: turns out my puzzle rating could be brought back below 2500 quite quickly by simply doing more puzzles, not just Puzzle of the Day only (which was causing the rating to creep up slowly as I tended to be able to "do" them, unlike some of the other puzzles).

Incidentally, the code also says that while you have a "dubious" puzzle rating you cannot affect the ratings of the puzzles themselves. Good to know that under these circumstances if you want to lower your rating you can do so without inflating any puzzle ratings as collateral damage😄

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