
Create a cancel draw offer button

Many people ask how you can accidentally offer draw. Here's how it might happen: I have "move confirmation" on during longer games, and confirmation button and draw offer button are pretty nearby, so when you confirm your move your mouse hovers over the draw offer button, and it may accidentally get hit, especially if you're using trackpad (I haven't done it so far, but came close to doing it). This is just in response to how it can be possible. Other than that, I agree that cancel draw offer button isn't a good idea.
Oh! Never considered this since I never use move confirmation. Maybe lichess should change the place for the confirmation button if misclicks are common.
I think "cancel draw offer" option, which used to be available on lichess, is a bad idea primarily because draw offers are not retractable in OTB play. You don't get to change your mind about the draw offer OTB. And that's a good standard to set in online play as well. Of course, "takeback offer" is a also not a part of non-casual OTB play but lichess allows that, so there is some leeway on online play.

However, another reason why I think it's a bad idea is, when my opponent offers draw and I'm inclined to take it but not 100% sure, I sometimes spend almost all of my remaining time to come up with a reason not to except the draw offer, with the knowledge that I'm playing for 2 results now (draw or win). If cancelling draw offers become a thing, people might end up with seconds on their clocks when their opponents cancel the offer.

All in all, I think draw offers should remain unretractable, but I certainly can see how the button can be clicked accidentally, as I explained in my previous message in this thread. Making it a 2-click operation seems like the easiest solution but I don't play bullet, or much blitz, so not sure if easy access to draw offer is a crucial part of those time controls and if making it 2-click would be annoying to those players. As with most suggestions to lichess, implantation would require a lot of careful thinking.
#14 I agree with riemann. SInce draw offers are not possible to withdraw in FIDE OTB play I think it should be the same in online chess. A confirmation check box could be an idea that is possible to turn off.

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